O Arglwydd Dduw bydd i ni'n borth
O Arglwydd Dduw bydd inni'n borth

1,2,(3);   1,2,4,5.
(Grym y Goleuni)
O! Arglwydd Dduw, bydd inni'n borth:
  Dod gymorth, o'th drugaredd,
I draethu ac i wrando'n iawn
  Dy eiriau llawn gwirionedd.

Dy weinidogion gwisg a nerth
  Yn brydferth, o'r uchelder;
A doed dy Ysbryd sanctaidd Di
  I argyhoeddi llawer.

O! gwna dy eiriau megis tan 
  Trwy'r Ysbryd Glan a'i ddoniau;
Dy air fel gordd yn awr a fo
  Mewn nerth yn dryllio creigiau.

Yn uchel aed dy enw mawr
  Uwch nef a llawr mewn moliant;
Cyhoedded pawb drwy'r
    byd, 'r un wedd,
  Dy fawedd, a'th ogoniant!

Rho ini'th wel'd, O Frenin hedd!
  Fry, yn dy ryfedd degwch;
A chanu byth, ar beraidd dant,
  Ogoniant dy hawddgarwch.
llawn gwirionedd :: llawn o sylwedd

1-3: John Hughes 1775-1854
4-5: anhysbys

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Arenig (W K Briegel 1626-1723)
Cemmaes (John Williams 1740-1821)
Degannwy (Benjamin Williams 1839-1918)
Dymuniad (Robert E William 1805-76)
Eidduned (John R Jones 1765-1822)
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-64)
Gwalia (alaw Gymreig)
Llangranog (J Parry 1787-1866)
Mary (J Ambrose LLoyd 1815-74)
Padarn (John Roberts 1822-77)
Ramah (J D Jones 1827-70)
Saxony (alaw henafol)
Tonllwyd (M Llewelyn 1835-1906)

  Ein dyled yw dyrchafu clod
  O Arglwydd aeth dy enw mawr
  O Arglwydd Dduw'r Hwn biau'r waith
  Rho'wn fawl i'n Duw ar felus dôn

(The Force of the Light)
O Lord God, be thou succour to us:
  May help come, from thy mercy,
To expound and to listen well
  To thy words full of truth.

Dress thy ministers with strength
  Beautifully, from above;
And let thy holy Spirit come
  To convince many.

Oh make thy words like fire
  Through the Holy Spirit and his gifts;
Thy word like a hammer now and may it
  In strength shatter rocks.

High let thy great name go
  Above heaven and earth in praise;
Let everyone publish throughout
    the world, alike,
  Thy majesty and thy glory!

Grant us to see thee, O King of peace!
  Up, in thy wonderful fairness;
And sing forever, on a sweet string,
  The glory of thy beauty.
full of truth :: full of substance

tr. 2013,15 Richard B Gillion


O Lord, our Lord, how wondrous great
  Is Thine exalted name!
The glories of Thy
    heav'nly state
  Let men and babes proclaim.


Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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